NIDA acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which we learn and tell stories, the Bidjigal, Gadigal, Dharawal and Dharug peoples, and we pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past and present.

2023 BFA Technical Theatre & Stage Management Keelan Ellis
Home Profile Keelan Ellis

Keelan Ellis

About Keelan

Keelan is a Sydney-based ar/st who seeks to blend the beauty of nature, the art of storytelling, and the world of theatrical sound design. Growing up in the enchan/ng landscapes of the Blue Mountains, Keelan’s crea/ve journey was profoundly shaped by his
love for the wilderness and passion for craBing auditory and visual experiences.

Whilst at NIDA Keelan immersed himself in the art of crea/ng experiences on stage and understanding the profound impact sound has on storytelling. Through theatre, Keelan explores the transforma/ve poten/al of sound, eleva/ng narra/ves, and transpor/ng audiences to new realms.

His process is centred around the synchronised crea/on of sound alongside the project. With a love for collabora/on and shared crea/vity, Keelan finds joy in the holis/c process of sharing stories.

His art celebrates nature, storytelling through sound, and a dedica/on to enriching the theatre experience. He hopes to further explore the sonic and visual powers of storytelling in theatre and installa/ons.

NIDA Productions

Technical Assistant

Assistant Stage Manager
Mr. Burns, a Post Electric Play

Sound Designer
The Life That I Gave You

Sound Designer
How I Learned to Drive

Stage Manager
Woke Up Australia

Video Designer
Blood Wedding

Sound Designer
Prem Patra

Produc7on Manager
Department of Educa/on

Sound Designer
Sandaime Richard
