About Luke
Luke joined the NIDA community from the United States where he completed a Diploma in Theatrical Design and Production from Interlochen Arts Academy with a focus on costume. He is a proud graduate of NIDA’s Bachelor of Fine Arts (Properties and Objects), where he advanced his skills in costume prop construction, properties supervision and scenic art.
Luke has taken the educational leap to continue his studies through the Master of Fine Arts (Design for Performance), where he developed his design skills while utilising his previous knowledge as a prop maker. During his time in the MFA course, Luke worked on two main stage productions as a costume and scenic designer.
Luke is thrilled to have made the journey to NIDA and is looking forward to continuing a life traveling the world as a designer/maker for live performance and film.
NIDA Productions
Scenic Designer
Twelfth Night
Costume Designer
Properties Buyer
2018 NIDA October Season of Student Productions
Properties Supervisor
The Colby Sisters of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Other Productions
Wig Supervisor
there will be a climax (The Old Fitz)
Design Assistant
Are We Awake (Kings Cross Theatre) –
Properties Department
Peter Rabbit 2